A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: David Pike
Date: 2016 Jan 9, 01:34 -0800
FuMB10 - Borkum a crystal detector passive warning receiver covering 7 - 300cm wavelength transmissions. (100 Years of Radar page 344). Many WW2 German radars received geographic location nicknames. E.g. Flensburg (Germany), Naxos (Greece). The FuMO series were I believe active radars; see table at the bottom of the same page DaveP
In the fascinating U-boat logbook, I see several references to "Borkum" - as in:
Fu.M.O. continuously manned with Borkum all around sweep every 5 minutes.
In addition to "Borkum", I find "Fu.M.O." cryptic, though from context it may be a reference to a radar set. Have I guessed right?