A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Frank Reed
Date: 2017 Jan 21, 10:25 -0800
David, you wrote:
Here's the British "Nautical Almanac" for 1902:
Frank, can you give me the link again? It does not work. "
But it does work. It even works when you click on it in the quoted section of your own reply! Of course, if you're looking at the message in an email copy, then your email reader may be playing games with it. When in doubt, visit the original message at
You also wrote:
"I tried searching the hathitrust site for "british nautical almanac " and was surprised to get tens of thousands of hits."
In a case like that, you should narrow the search by looking for the "exact phrase" Nautical Almanac in the title field. And then limit the search to dates between 1901 and 1902 (e.g. --but this can fail since the publication date and the title date may not match and then there are issues with "series" publication dates). While I'm thinking of it, navigators in this era were quite happy with privately published nautical almanacs, too. Brown's Nautical Almanac was quite popular among British navigators, and the Abdridged Nautical Almanac was the standard government-issue almanac for British marine navigators. The idea of The Nautical Almanac reflects late 20th century practice.
Frank Reed