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    Re: Use of Marine Sextants in Aircraft
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2018 May 9, 11:28 -0700

    David, I agree that the sun could be regarded as a point source for this purpose.  I think your drawing needs to be redone to reflect this, rather than having the rays converge at the airship.  An open problem! How nice. Fred Hebard

    Did you scroll down and look at slides 2 & 3?  The Sun's parallel rays are the yellow ones in slide 2.  I thought you were going to pick me up on the distance-off problem.  I realised the moment I hit the 'Send' button that it will only work with the ship's length if the ship is beam on to you.  Using the height of the top hamper would be independent of aspect, but the angle subtended would be about around ten times smaller.  DaveP

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