A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Steve E. Bryant
Date: 2015 Nov 13, 12:09 -0600
Dear Herman,
I just received the latest version of the Casio GW-9400-1CR. Now I have, among many other of its functions, Universal Time maintained and updated straight form the most reliable sources.
Do you have such a watch with all these bells, whistles, and buzzers such as sunrise and set (you enter your latitude and longitude), temperature, altimeter/barometer, and all the other requisite functions of a modern digital watch to include the most puzzling one, i.e., “Memory Records.” If this feature records the hour minute and second of a particular moment such as when taking a sight, that will be huge in my book (certainly if it is easy to record and retrieve!)?
Thank you and best regards,
PS, I’ll be enrolling in night school classes to learn all the elaborate manipulations necessary to utilize its many capabilities
From: [] On Behalf Of Herman Dekker
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 9:52 AM
Subject: [NavList] Re: Use of stopwatch taking sights, any other users?
A while ago I had question about the ultimate CN wristwatch.
Others informed me that Casio had a nice one but no longer on the market.
Now i have found one.
Casio has one on the market since end 2013.
It copies date and time in hour, min and sec, after pushing one button.
Max 40 recordings can be captured, enough for mutiple sights.
After pushing the button, you have manual to write the sequence number
off the sight and the measured height off the object
So the ultimate CN wristwatch is on the market.
Cons: it is a G-shock, so rather clumsy on your wrist.
The price about € 300,00 is not cheap.
Extra's:It has a Barometer, Altitudemeter and Compass, Thermometer.
Gives extra info for Temp/Baro corrections for low sextant readings.
I like the watch, but not the price.