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    Using the Anti Spoofing App
    From: Steve E. Bryant
    Date: 2019 Jun 10, 21:49 -0700

    I have the Anti Spoofing App but need some clarification regarding proper selection of the variables.  Those of you with more experience may be able to advise.

    Even without answers to the following questions, this app will be useful to me.  I do hope to be able to use it to its best potential and give proper answers to my friends who are showing interest.

     1.  I think I understand the pause function but not too sure about the delay feature.

     2.  When is it appropriate to use the "Net Wx" and/or the "SL Pressure?"  It seems to suggest that selecting the Net Wx or the SL pressure will negate the need for any entry in the manual Temp or manual Press settings.   

    3.     When is the entry for Temp and Press appropriate when there is also a choice for selecting Net Wx and SL pressure? 

    4.     What is the DOV setting? 

    5.     What are the determining factors related to each of the six choices for Horizons and the height of eye?

    a.     "Sea"  This choice seems straight forward enough

    b.     "Bubble" -- I will not be using this option but I'm curious why there would be a need for this setting.  I suspect that with this setting you are telling the processor that you are shooting the sight level against the height of eye. 

    c.      "Mirror artificial horizon" -- I will not be using this but I'm curious why there would be a need for this particular setting without expressing the distance between you and the the artificial horizon.

    d.     "True" -- I'm not sure about when to make this choice unless I am somehow lying flat on the ocean without any actual height of eye. 

    e.     "Geocentric" -- I'm not sure about when to make this choice.

    There are substiles existing among these variables and selections such as Wx, Ht of eye, and horizons.  I would like an explanation regarding their appropriate use. 

    Confusion occurs for me when trying to choose among the horizons.  Sea and height of eye seems straight forward enough but True and geocentric not so much.

    Most of my sights occur across lake shores.  Rarely, I have occasion to shoot from see level and I do plan to shoot from the deck of a boat and a ship, hopefully. 

    I have been reading Franks synopsis of Lunars, with a developing interest, and I suspect that the choice of appropriate weather setting will likely affect the readings. e.g., Net Wx, or SL pressure, or Temp, or Press

    Steve, OCBC

    35 33N 97 37W

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