A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: John Pazereskis
Date: 2022 Aug 17, 21:09 -0700
Hello Joe, The late Capt Robert P. Beebe (USN retr), worked for years to develope a useful way for a lone navigatopr to both take sights and note and record times and sights. What he finally developed was a small piece of plywood (8" X 3 1/2")held to the wrist with elastic bands. On the plywood he attached a small pad of paper (held, also, by the elastic bands), and in his case, a Tag Heur Rally watch...a rather fancy stop watch. If you can find a copy of the original editon of Beebe's book, "Voyaging Under Power," you'll find a nice photo of the Beebe Sight recorder. It may be in later versions of the book, but I've not seen any of the later editions...can anyone out there help. I have a variation on the same theme...copied right from Beebe, that uses a Hamilton GCT 24 hr seconds setting watch. By the way, an interesting piece of trivia is that Capt Beebe's WWII ship was the USS Saratoga (an aircraft carrier) on which Beebre served as navigator.
John P