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    Re: V-Correction for Sun? Answer from UKHO...
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2016 Oct 15, 00:45 -0700

    It does provide a way to determine GHA sun and Aries to a tenth of a minute for use with astro-trackers which can track stars to a higher level of precision than a can a bubble sextant. 

    Also of interest, at the bottom of each column is tabulated the actual rate of hourly GHA and declination change but no mention of these tabulations is made in the Almanac and these could be used in place of a "v" or a "d" correction but this level of sophistication is not warranted for flight navigation and no interpolation tables are provided to allow utilization of these tabulated values. gl

    I spotted those, and also the 1/10 minute of arc values for the Sun.  I don’t recall them being there 35 years ago.  There’s a discussion in the back upon the effect of either just working to the nearest minute of arc or ignoring the 1/10 figure altogether, even if it’s 0.9.  The thing is Gary, when are we going to see a photo of an astro-tracker assembled in your back garden?  DaveP

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