A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: UNK
Date: 2016 Oct 14, 09:51 -0700
What are you trying to tell us? I have been baking my own bread for 13 years and never heard anybody mentioning v-corrections in that context. These are a peculiar feature of the NA required by its interpolation tables, and if you don't use those, of course you won't need v-corrections. But if you ever do use the NA to reduce a planet observation, please be sure to understand them.
David Pike stated:
I shot celestial for 13 years, and I don’t remember anyone ever mentioning V corrections. If they did, I must have been asleep that day. Mind you, we were using the “Air Almanac” which has ten minute values of GHA and declination, and I had four other guys to make sure I shot on a ten minute time, so I rarely had to convert arc to time or vice versa.