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    Re: Venus in daylight again
    From: David C
    Date: 2023 Oct 6, 01:37 -0700

    Talking about the white stuff....

    At 4am tocal time this morning the smoke detector went off. Fortunately it was a false alarm. As part of my checks I went outside and was surprised at the number of  stars I could see despite the light pollution. Maybe because all house lights were off? The milky way was not visible but I am sure that  many navigational stars would have been visible. Venus was very bright. I have just read your six monthly venus message. So far, maybe due to my aging eyes or poor technique, I have not seen it in daylight. I decided that instead I would concentrate on seeing Peacock, Nunki and  zuben'ubi. I went outside tonight and unfortunately, but not unexpectedly ,the sky was covered in white stuff.

    If David McN can see venus at 38S then I should support 41S and give it anther go.

    According to the forecast Monday will be a perfect day for CN. Maybe it is time for another venus in daylight attempt but I will add in the three stars to maximise my chances of seeing something. Why those stars? Surely being able to say you have seen Nunki will be a good conversation starter? Most people will not have a clue what you are talking about.

    David C

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