A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Tony Oz
Date: 2017 Mar 30, 04:17 -0700
I made several attempts to see the Venus - no luck so far.
Frank wrote:
Just make sure you set up at a location where you can put the Sun behind a building or a tree.
Apparently it is more difficult than just standing in a shadow! :)
This time I'll get more scientific about it.
I've pre-calculated the "Venus distance", the Venus's and Sun's Hc's and Zn's (at 1200UT for my location they will be today: dV-S=11°9'; HcVenus= 29°52', ZnVenus= 227°; HcSun=29°38,5', ZnSun= 214°). The azimuthal difference is 13°30'. I will use the azimuthal difference value to calculate the linear offset from the edge of the roof's shadow from where the Venus should be straight above the chimney.
Hope - this time I'll find the Venus with my 6x monocular.