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    Re: Venus near the Moon, Feb. 1 in daylight
    From: David C
    Date: 2025 Feb 2, 00:17 -0800

    I was successful  tonight five minutes before official sunset with the naked eye. After trying for several years I have succeeded. But......... I am still only halfway there because the sun was hidden behind a hill.  I think I know what my problems were and will try again in full sunlight.

    Firstly just now the sky was completely clear. I could look at the moon and then start scanning the sky. In the middle of the day there was a lot of moving cloud and my concentration was on not loosing the  moon as it was obscured.

    Secondly I had difficulty in judging distance. Now that I have found venus I know that four fingers is approximately five degrees.

    The photo was taken with my phone about five minutes after official sunset.


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