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    Re: Vernal equinox
    From: Bill B
    Date: 2014 Mar 21, 22:59 -0400

    On 3/21/2014 9:11 PM, Lu Abel wrote:
    > There was a wonderful posting on the list (I think it was last year,
    > could have been the year before) noting that the sun's true path was
    > slightly below its theoretical one due to the moon's pull.   So the
    > question became did the equinox occur when the sun's theoretical path
    > crossed the equator or its actual path....
    I checked the archives over the past few years for a discussions of
    equinox. A thread did appear between 3 September 2011 and 11 September
    2011. Subject: "When is the Autumnal Equinox?" Thank God! I wondered if
    eight years (since Herbert's posting) had slipped away that fast.
    I'm afraid I glossed over the exchange, as in 2011 I hit the apex of
    family issues and could not pay the attention to NavList I would have
    wished. At my age time does indeed fly--even if you are not having fun!

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