A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Versions of Dreisonstok, H.O. 208
From: UNK
Date: 2017 Mar 3, 13:10 -0800
From: UNK
Date: 2017 Mar 3, 13:10 -0800
Hi Peter,
I have a Second Edition of H.O. 208, 1929.
Nothing about All Latitudes on the cover.
Table II d~b ( not d+b and not IIa )
LHA to 90 degrees and latitude to 65 degrees. No higher degree markings.
Table I ( not Ia )
LHA to 90 degrees and Latitude to 65 degrees.
"Price 75 cents"
Inside the front cover are two "cases" with a note "Case I covers the majority of problems (L.H.A between 0 degrees and 90 degrees, or 270 degrees and 360 degrees)" (attached photo)
"Case II ( L.H.A. Between 90 degrees and 270 degrees)
At the L.H.A. Calculation is "note 13b"
Attached is Notes on Solutiion with 13b that tells you to adjust the LHA to get back onto the 0-90 degree range.
Regards, Noell