A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Visiting local museum and CN-items
From: Igor S.
Date: 2019 Dec 17, 14:50 -0800
From: Igor S.
Date: 2019 Dec 17, 14:50 -0800
Hello everyone,
Recently I've been to a local historical museum when visiting my parents back in Ukraine. I've seen several navigational items (see numerated photos below) but could not identify them in details.
FIG_1 and FIG_1 a: It looks very much like a sextant frame but degree scale goes from 0 (in the center of the arc) till 35 deg to the right and to the left. There are engraved words: "course" and "drift to the right". A circular frame ( FIG_1 a ) has four cardinal directions and concentric circles. It is not clear if you can turn it but I suppose so. In the description it is just said that this is "a navigational instrument". No idea what for is this instrument.
FIG_2: It is said in the description that this is a marine sextant (19 century). It looks like theodolite although theodolite can also be used for measuring altitudes of celestial bodies.
FIG_3: Perhaps from the shape of the sextant frame it is possible to identify this old sextant.
FIG_4: Last but not least an old historical photo - John Howard John_Howard_(prison_reformer) memorial. One of the most recognized sights of the city of Kherson. What makes this memorial special along with its history is the sundial on top of the monument. The story tells that it was his wish to have nothing but a sundial on his grave.
kind regards,