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    Re: Visting London Oct 11-15 maybe...
    From: Bill Lionheart
    Date: 2024 Sep 30, 20:02 +0100

    Hi Frank
    I would love to go to a talk by you of course. While organizations
    such as sections of the RIN, the Cruising Association, local
    Astronomical and other scientific or historical  societies have series
    of talks, I doubt they pay much more than local travel expenses. If I
    had had a good solution I would have said earlier. Perhaps others have
    ideas. Maybe some of the very posh "Royal" yacht clubs may have money.
    Even then if they have series of talks they would I expect already
    have set their programme.
    Any other UK based NavList members, love to hear your ideas.
    On Mon, 30 Sept 2024 at 19:13, NavList Community  wrote:
    > Visting London Oct 11-15 maybe...
    > From: Frank Reed
    > Date: 2024 Sep 30, 11:10 -0700
    > I may be visiting London in two weeks. Anyone interested in an on-site 
    celestial navigation tutorial in England? I'm hoping to generate some income 
    while I'm there to fund the trip. Contact me: Frank@ReedNavigation.com if 
    interested in a tutorial. Also, donations to my cause would be tremendous! 
    Please note that this has nothing to do with NavList Operations. 
    ReedNavigation.com Donation Link.
    > Details to follow as my plans become settled (or cancelled, if that happens).
    > Frank Reed
    > Clockwork Mapping / ReedNavigation.com
    > Conanicut Island in Rhode Island

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