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    Re: Watch holder for Astra written description
    From: Randall Morrow
    Date: 2014 Nov 8, 13:44 -0800

    Since I can't get a picture to send...The small rectangle of aluminum address plate is cut about the width of the handle wide and about 2 inches long. Punch a hole near one end to fit the Astra handle screw.  Fold over a 1/2 inch wide section of the other end at about a 45 degree angle.  This face will accept the Velcro strip.  It may help to visualize htis if you make a couple of test shapes in paper or thin cardboard. When in place it will fold down and fit into the sextant box.  When ready to use loosen the handle konb and swing the bracket into place, then tighten to prevent movement. The watch is then attached to the Velcro patch, held just over the light button and easy to see with a glance away from the scope.  Sorry I could not get the pictures attached.


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