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    Re: Waves & Dip
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2017 Apr 23, 14:18 -0700

    Mike, Brad, Frank.  You could always take this up with the Author.  Tom Cunliffe spoke at Humber Yawl Club last year, and he seemed quite approachable.  His website is easily found. http://www.tomcunliffe.com/  The same advice appears in the 2010 Edition of Celestial Navigation although the sentence and paragraph does go on:

    “….take your sight, assuming of course that the horizon itself wasn’t obscured by a distant wave of a similar height.
      This is a moot point, but rather an academic one.  In such weather, sights are not super-accurate anyway and your assessment of fix accuracy will reflect this.”

    If this last bit isn’t in the 1989 Edition, it’s possible someone has already queried the original statement.

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