A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Frank Reed
Date: 2020 Feb 8, 10:47 -0800
Tony, that link in the original message now works (see PS). In addition, I am attaching a copy of the file as plain text zipped. I don't know if .plt files are "quoted-printable encoded" by nature. It's quite possible that they are. But in thise case I have de-QP'd the file (removes all those "=3D" for equals character and "=20
for "space" character mappings and the "=" line extension character at the ends of lines).
Frank Reed
PS: There is a standard, limited set of file extensions supported on the NavList server. In new messages, if you try to attach an unsupported type, you'll be warned to add it as a zip file instead of the original extension. Unfortunately with over twenty years of archived files, there are occasionally extensions in old messages that I have missed. If you find one (it will generate an error message), let me known and I'll add it to the allowed list.