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    Re: What is an Astrovan and where can I get one?
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2024 Dec 18, 09:23 -0800

    David Pike, you wrote:
    "It seems to have been commandeered by a party of itinerant Teddy Bear squatters claiming to be Day 15 of the Village Outdoor Advent Calendar, so no more celestial for me until January."

    Darn teddy bears! They're taking over. While Americans in New Jersey are all obsessed with "drones" in their skies, they are completely missing out on this teddy bear invasion. Millions of bear-like aliens have landed in Grovers Mill, New Jersey and are preparing their tripods for the assault on Manhattan! You realize Queen Elizabeth II herself met with a representative of the bears some years back. And look what happened to her? Expunged from the money... erased from history.

    Frank Reed


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