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    What is an Astrovan and where can I get one?
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2024 Nov 24, 18:32 -0800

    David Pike, in your post about your Sun-Moon fix, you described setting up your sights in your Astrovan and included a photo of snow, on its roof (yes?), designed to make all of us with no winter yet jealous.

    You've mentioned your "Astrovan" a number of times in the past, but it's been a while, and I don't think you've ever written its "biography". Could you tell us about it? Any more photos?? Did you set it up as a sort of rolling classroom? How many times have you demonstrated sextant sights, and how many people have had a chance to try a sight, would you say? Does it still travel, or has it finally retired to a sedentary life? And how many different sextants have you installed over the years?

    And before I forget, have you tried sights while flying down the motorway at Vulcan speeds? :)

    Frank Reed

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