A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: What level of english skills is needed for safe navigation?
From: Frank Reed
Date: 2019 Mar 1, 08:01 -0800
From: Frank Reed
Date: 2019 Mar 1, 08:01 -0800
Tony, you wrote:
"This reminds a (fictitious?) story of radio communications between an aircraft carrier and a lighthouse."
Yes, fictitious. It's an old joke that was one of the first "this is 100% true" email forwards back in the early days of the Internet, circa 1996. There's a nice write-up of the history of the story: Obstinate lighthouse on There are many fun urban legends on snopes. Here's a goofy one involving AIS and ship tracking apps. You can spend hours in there exploring conspiracies, confusions, and crazy tall tales...
Frank Reed