A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Tony Oz
Date: 2019 Jul 3, 01:05 -0700
Dear Robert,
Yes, having all the library on-board is GoodThing™, but if it has got to using me as a way-finder - something already went wrong. I'm thinking of the way to rely on the very basic set of tables.
I guess that the range should be obtainable from the Dip Correction table alone. I subtract the angle between the other vessel's waterline and the horizon from the HoE correction value, the result is used for the reverse look-up in the "distance to the horizon" column.
An example: my HoE is 6 meters, the Dip correction is 4,3', I measure the waterline-horizon angle as, say, 2'; then, I look-up the 2,3' in the "correction on altitude" column and read-out the 2,6nm from the "distance to the horizon" column.
Is it correct and reasonable?
Thank you in advance.
Warm regards,
60°N 30°E