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    Re: What sextant to buy ?
    From: Bruce Cutting
    Date: 2019 Feb 21, 17:39 -0700

    Which Plath Sextant did you get - thee is one with a prismatic leveling
    device that I'd like to have a look at some day - most of the others are
    excellent sextants.
    On Thu, February 21, 2019 17:01, Terry Syrokosz wrote:
    > Alan S  Thank You I've heard a lot of good about them.
    > Bruce    I'll look for that book Thanks for the tip. I really like the
    > look of the SNO-T. Looks rugged as most Russian things seem to be. In my
    > experience Russian made field items hold up better than any other
    > countries counterpart (for the cost). When I saw the C Plath it looked
    > very clean. Seller says optics are clear. The buy it now price was 399.00
    > U.S. and 38.00 shipping. I've been looking for awhile and I heard not to
    > worry to much about buying from India. I might even get a cool canvas bag
    > too. That would be fine with me. It should be here in the next few days.
    > I'll proably have the book by then. I'm seriously thinking about starting
    > a collection now.
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