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    Re: What sextant to buy ?
    From: Terry Syrokosz
    Date: 2019 Feb 21, 15:09 -0800

    Alan S  Thank You I've heard a lot of good about them.

    Bruce    I'll look for that book Thanks for the tip. I really like the look of the SNO-T. Looks rugged as most Russian things seem to be. In my experience Russian made field items hold up better than any other countries counterpart (for the cost). When I saw the C Plath it looked very clean. Seller says optics are clear. The buy it now price was 399.00 U.S. and 38.00 shipping. I've been looking for awhile and I heard not to worry to much about buying from India. I might even get a cool canvas bag too. That would be fine with me. It should be here in the next few days. I'll proably have the book by then. I'm seriously thinking about starting a collection now.

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