A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Lu Abel
Date: 2015 Feb 16, 13:47 -0800
In the local Boston news this morning were pictures of a U.S. Coast Guard rescue 150 miles east of Cape Cod. Unbelievable storm and wave conditions when two Australians were in danger on a 43 ft sail boat. We've had very stormy extreme winter conditions for the past month. I have 5-6 ft snow drifts in my yard and I'm raking my roof every few days. The sailors were on their way home. With all of the forecasts mostly right-on, and the weather more or less predictable.....we've had snow or wind or extreme conditions every 5-7 days,these sailors really put themselves and others at risk. Gotta rake my roof 10-15 more inches last night and minus 9° F when we awoke this AM. Boston and Worcester,MA have set many new weather records. About 90 inches of snow in Boston over past 3 weeks. Sorry, snow weather is off topic.