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    Re: What's a time hack?
    From: John D. Howard
    Date: 2015 Nov 9, 14:08 -0800


    It comes from my days in pilot training.  Every morning the captain would tell everyone to set their watches. " 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - HACK ! "

    For 20 years in the Air Force every pilot would set his watch or at least check it for error every day.  The term " time hack " was used to mean when you pushed the button on your watch.  We were issued a watch that stopped the second hand when the winding knob was pulled.  In movies they will say " syncronize your watches ".  The pilots I knew ( 1970s and 80s ) called it a time hack.

    Also when we still had navigators often they would ask another crew member to give them a time hack on the minute.  They stood on a stool in the cockpit to get a sextant shot and if there was turbulance they had to hold on for dear life and could not look at their watch.

    John H.

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