A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: David Pike
Date: 2018 Oct 9, 03:16 -0700
The photo of the tower shows an interesting reflection on human life. The people in the penthouse flats are still out making money (or partying). The managerial classes on the mid levels are just coming home, and the workers in the lower levels are already in bed or down the pub. Is 'but you may have forgotten over the northern hemisphere summer' a red herring? Orion is upside down. Well, he is to me used to seeing him from the UK. How would he look to people who live upside down themselves i.e in the Southern Hemisphere? Is upside down to me the right way up to them?
Where I live you have to follow his sword right over the top of your head to find north, but in the photo you only have to go down to the nearest horizon. Also, that belt (the three brighter stars) is pretty much on the celestial equator, so can we get approximate latitude from that? At the Earth Equator the belt would be overhead at local