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    Re: Where is this phone-addicted observer?
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2024 Dec 19, 15:15 -0800

    I think these Teddies are pulling my leg.  Now they reckon that Eta1Lyr and Zeta1Lyr have RAs only 17 seconds apart, and as they’re almost one above the other in the photograph, the photographer must have been facing roughly north.  Therefore, the PZX triangle becomes approximately a straight line, and the cheeky little devils have done a Polaris calculation via Vega.  They estimate Vega is 5 degrees above the horizon, so the photographer’s latitude must be codec Vega + 5 deg = 90-38deg 48’+ 5 deg  =  Approx 56 degrees north.  I doubt they bothered about Q.  I think they must be looking at longitude now, but the desk is too covered with bread crusts and the window too daubed with marmalade to see very much.  DaveP

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