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    Re: Where in the world?
    From: Hewitt Schlereth
    Date: 2018 Aug 26, 13:58 -0700
    Thank you,  Sean. I have several of Andres' apps on my Samsung phone; will see what I can get Google Earth onto it.


    On Aug 25, 2018, at 6:01 PM, Sean C <NoReply_SeanC@fer3.com> wrote:


    The COPs were generated using software developed by our own Andrés Ruiz. His program (link at the end of this message) can export them in a gpx file wich can then be opened in Google Earth. The program actually plots the COPs on a map as you enter the data, but exporting to Google Earth gives you more options to mess around with. I also wanted others to be able to open the file and explore it for themselves.

    Andrés' program - Navigational Algorithms - does a lot more, too. It's pretty much an "all in one" software suite for traditional navigation. It's also designed to work well with OpenCPN, and pairing the two gives you just about every tool (for FREE!) I can think of that you'd need to navigate a boat/ship.

    Unfortunately, it appears Andrés' software is only available for Windows, Android and Pocket PC. However, you might be able to get it to run on a Mac with a Windows emulator such as Wine, or similar. I'm not sure, though. I don't really know anything about Apple products.

    Here is the link to Andrés' site:



    Sean C.

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