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    Re: William Bligh, Navigator
    From: Francis Upchurch
    Date: 2015 Jun 26, 10:22 -0700

    Off topic, but I think a generic "thought for the day?"

    Four things come back not: The spoken word; the sped arrow; time past and the neglected opportunity.’ Omar I Ibn al-Khattab, Caliph (AD 581-644).

    I say go for all likely opportunities while you can ,don't wait for the ideal time, may never come! (Bligh surviving in an open boat 4k miles, with or without a Ramsden sextant (probably made liitle difference to his success?) or Hav-Doniol for Greg and Hanno publication in the Almanac. Go for it!

    Carpe Diem!As the  Romans  put it. Job done (d'reckly), as the Cornish say.(In ancient Cornish, Directly (d'reckly) means any time in the next few hundred years, but please God, not now. A form of Manana. But still used commonly in West Cornwall now, especially by  builders and the like!))

    I'm ( hopefully tempoarily) out of Navlist action for a week or so due to illness and hospitals. Oh well! Life.  Will reply to various emails asap on my return.

    Keep up the great flow of intellectually challenging discussions! Keeps me going anyway! I missed the Venus lunars due to cloud! Keep the faith!



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