A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Would you recommend TI-83 Plus?
From: Herman Dekker
Date: 2017 Aug 26, 11:23 -0700
From: Herman Dekker
Date: 2017 Aug 26, 11:23 -0700
If you want to use Starpilot on a calculator, why not buy a second hand TI-89 (titanium).
I bought one for € 50 is ~ $60.
The program costs more $ 129.
I use always Starpilot on TI-89, it can solve most Celestial problems
It works more then a year on 1set of AAA batterys.
I believe Starpilot do not work on a TI-83.