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    Re: Yellow page in NA
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2020 Jan 13, 09:49 -0800

    Igor S. You wrote: 

    I have commercial edition of NA in which the yellow page (of a more dense paper) is just a copy of A2 table (main correction and dip) on one side and list of selected stars on the other. I have also noticed just yesterday that the page is easily detachable.
    I suppose that it has been done purely for a convenience (all you need to correct  H_measured on separate page) and implication that heights lower than 10 deg are NOT advisable to use.
    Do the other printed versions of NA contain such a yellow page ?
    kind regards,

    Igor.  My 2014 and 2015 Commercial Editions have them (the last time I bought a copy).  I'd assumed it was there as a handy bookmark to be left in the relevant daily page, used as a line guide to look along when reading the daily page to avoid mistakes, and to provide a bit of the additional information you might require on any day.  Similar, but different, stiff loose pages were provided in AP3270, and that's what they were used for. DaveP

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