A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Yoder Sextant
From: Marty Lyons
Date: 2015 Aug 18, 17:53 -0700
From: Marty Lyons
Date: 2015 Aug 18, 17:53 -0700
I came across, what I believe is the same sextant that was on eBay, and discussed here, for $165. It was on Craigslist for $95. I contacted the owner and he is firm on the price. The vernier can only be read to 3 minutes, not 1 minute. I am not sure there are any adjustments for parallelism or index error. The shades included cover the horizon mirror. The owner claims he had it evaluated by an expert who claimed it was "inaccurate". For $95, I am going to pass on it.