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    Re: Lunar Scopes
    From: Joel Jacobs
    Date: 2005 Feb 15, 01:26 +0000
    Here's is a definition of nationalism at  four levels of common useage. Why you feel the need to go beyond the normal and generally accepted definaition of the word as I used it in 1., smacks of trying to make an issue where no issue should exist. This is not the first time when something innocent was said , that Alex took offense. Others may recall his great upset when a Swastika was mentioned when discussing a Kreigsmariie sextant. What absurdity.
    Joel Jacobs


    n 1: love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it [syn: patriotism] 2: the doctrine that your national culture and interests are superior to any other [ant: multiculturalism, internationalism] 3: the aspiration for national independence felt by people under foreign domination 4: the doctrine that nations should act independently (rather than collectively) to attain their goals [ant: internationalism]

    Source: WordNet � 2.0, � 2003 Princeton University


    -------------- Original message from Frank Reed <FrankReedCT@AOL.COM>: --------------

    Joel Jacobs wrote:
    "Alex's nationalism leads him to use a Russian source at every opportunity.
    Ahem. Alex Eremenko is most certainly not guilty of nationalism. Perhaps you are unaware that this word has a specific --and usually negative-- political meaning. He might be a less than perfect bargain-hunter, but that's no crime! :-)
    42.0N 87.7W, or 41.4N 72.1W.
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