A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: New to the list
From: George Huxtable
Date: 2009 Jun 2, 19:56 +0100
From: George Huxtable
Date: 2009 Jun 2, 19:56 +0100
Christian Scheele was keen to find this- "I haven't read it or even managed to get hold of it, but I'd love to get my hands on "Nature is your guide: how to find your way on land & sea", written by the famous air navigator Harold Gatty. Many years before he penned this work, he acted as Wiley Post's navigator on their record-breaking round the world flight in 1931. I obviously cannot endorse it personally, but perhaps this book could supplement your reading on primitive navigation." I took a look in Abebooks, who offer 37 copies in all, starting at less than $5. The copy described below was the most expensive, but I quote it because it had the fullest description. The way he met his end points to the unexpected perils of authorship. George. contact George Huxtable, at george@hux.me.uk or at +44 1865 820222 (from UK, 01865 820222) or at 1 Sandy Lane, Southmoor, Abingdon, Oxon OX13 5HX, UK. =============================== 37. Nature is Your Guide: How to Find Your Way on Land and Sea Gatty, Harold Bookseller: Books on Brighton (Pueblo, CO, U.S.A.) Bookseller Rating: Price: £ 16.68 [Convert Currency] Quantity: 1 Shipping within U.S.A.: FREE [Rates & Speeds] Book Description: EP Dutton, New York, 1958. Hard Cover. Book Condition: Very Good. Dust Jacket Condition: Good Minus. Francis Lee Jaques and Douglas Woodall. Nature is strewn with signposts that most people never even see, and these natural signals can lead you to your destination-anywhere in the world.. Available for Immediate Shipment. (illustrator). First Edition. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. "I" First Edition. Title is "Nature is Your Guide: How to Find Your Way on Land and Sea." Forward by Lt. General J. H. Doolittle. Harold Gatty (R.I.P.) provides a fund of information on how to find your way in the woods or on the water, how to avoid walking in circles, ant hill signposts, directions from sun,staars and even wind, directions from the trees,uses of smell and ears, even finding your way in towns.How the Polynesians travelled great distances across the ocean, the American Indians travelled through primeval forests, the Australian aborigines crossed the waterless bush. Fine in green cloth in a dust jacket. Illustrated. 254pp The author never got to this book published as he died suddenly at the age of 54 when he got caught in the printing press. The dust jacket is worn.There is NO underlining, tobacco odor or highlighting. Overall, this is a great copy with tight binding and clean pages. Full of fascinating information on this unique topic. You will not be disappointed. IMPORTANT NATURE TEXT. Bookseller Inventory # 006667 --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ Navigation List archive: www.fer3.com/arc To post, email NavList@fer3.com To , email NavList-@fer3.com -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---