A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: The perils of going to sea relying on a minimum of modern electronics
From: Lu Abel
Date: 2017 Mar 2, 23:32 +0000
From: David Pike <NoReply_DavidPike@fer3.com>
To: luabel@ymail.com
Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2017 6:58 AM
Subject: [NavList] The perils of going to sea relying on a minimum of modern electronics
From: Lu Abel
Date: 2017 Mar 2, 23:32 +0000
Stupid behavior, yes!
But this story is seriously flawed.
For example, WiFi is a short range wireless interconnect technology. So how could failure of a WiFi signal cause the nav app on his iPad to fail as is claimed by the Daily Mail?
Clearly somebody did something very, very stupid. But is the iPad at fault or ignorant behavior? Would we be sharing this story if the headline read "skipper sets sail with just a chart?"
I would contend that if the proper charts were pre-loaded into the iPad program then it would have been as good as a chart -- or even better because it would have had the iPad's GPS to locate the boat on the iPad chart. And if the shipping channels were shown on the chart then the skipper should have known that he was in one.
From: David Pike <NoReply_DavidPike@fer3.com>
To: luabel@ymail.com
Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2017 6:58 AM
Subject: [NavList] The perils of going to sea relying on a minimum of modern electronics