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    Re: The sinking of the modern day Bounty
    From: Rommel John Miller
    Date: 2014 Feb 14, 16:04 -0500

    That is a question I have been asking myself, because if you read the wooden boat article it seems as if he was relying on what like sea-sense he already possessed and it proved to be lacking as the ship foundered.


    This leads me to believe that there might not have been a sufficient library of essential sailing books on board the Bounty.  And if there was such a library, did those books and reference works only collect dust, never to be read?


    Another aspect of this whole affair bugs me because the Bounty as she was was not certified as seaworthy by the USCG, she was only rated as a Dock Side “attraction.”  Sure she had to set sail to her next port for “display” but only if the weather permitted.  The Captain therefore took the life of every crew member in his hands when he chose to go to sea to either ride out the storm or to seek a safer harbor. 



    From: NavList@fer3.com [mailto:NavList@fer3.com] On Behalf Of Gary LaPook
    Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 3:32 PM
    To: rommeljmiller@comcast.net
    Subject: [NavList] Re: The sinking of the modern day Bounty


    Did the captain follow this standard hurricane avoidance advice?


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