A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Francis Upchurch
Date: 2016 Apr 18, 22:12 -0700
Grateful thanks to Frank and Roger Connor.
Yes indeed, this is exactly what I have been looking for.
I decided to build a replica based on the photograph of the AX side already on the Smithsonian website.Harri Ojanen,(who produced the computer generated curves ) and I took a guess as to the likely layout of the BY side ( the dark side as I called it!), based on the descriptions in the 2 key papers by Brown and Nassau and the more recent one by Luykx.
I attach my build description notes. As you can see, we got it very nearly right, although the Vernias look a little different. Perhaps Harri, if you are still active with this, you could check your Vernias against these 2 pictures?
Despite the Vernia issue, I seem to get accurate results with my replica. (well, +/- about 5'. often better if I use whole number intergers for LAT and LHA)
Many thanks again.Good team effort!
Best wishes
P.S by the way, I managed to persuade a nice lady at the NMN, Greenwhich to supply photographs of the Bates astronomical slide rule,(expecting them later this week), so watch this space. I feel another replica build project coming on!