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    Re: Bygrave and MHR-1 locking mechanism construction
    From: Brad Morris
    Date: 2009 Oct 2, 10:09 -0400

    Gary, you wrote:

    I have gotten real good with my Bygrave and I can do the whole computation in 45 seconds



    That is the true wonder of the Bygrave and all of its cousins.  It is the speed of the result which sets it

    apart.  When combined with the  accuracy of the result and the total lack of electrons, it makes it my

    candidate for contender for best solution to the spherical triangle.


    Imagine that.  45 seconds for a solution of both terms. Other than electronics, no other method even comes close. 


    We can nit-pick away at its flaws around the singularities in the trigonometry.  We can argue about the

    accuracy of the solution not being as good as some other methods.  It is not electronic and on and on.


    When all factors are considered in combination, the Bygrave is hard to beat.


    If you haven’t given it a try, you should.  Pop out a copy of the Flat Bygrave and play!


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