A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Historical tides
From: Andrés Ruiz
Date: 2019 Feb 16, 11:06 +0100
From: Andrés Ruiz
Date: 2019 Feb 16, 11:06 +0100
Historically there are tree methods about tides theory:
- Newton's static theory
- Laplace dynamic non harmonic theory
- Harmonic tidal equation
Until 90's Laplace's method was still available in the Hydrographic Office publications like tide tables.
Harmonic method became popular since the utilization of computers.
A free treatise about tides. SHOM. In French ans English la-maree-oceanique-cotiere
Attached a little presentation by me.
-- File: 144337.tides.pptx