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    Re: I and C pages of the NA
    From: Stan K
    Date: 2014 Sep 26, 14:19 -0400

    You might be interested in this little piece of trivia:

    Contrary to common belief, not all Increments and Corrections tables are identical.  In 2001, four of the 10800 correction values changed, and are
    expected to remain with their new values in the future.  Specifically these are:
        minute    v or d         Corr (pre-2001)    Corr (2001 and later)
           22            2.8                1.1                              1.0
           22           16.4               6.2                              6.1
           52            9.2                8.1                              8.0
           52           16.4             14.4                            14.3


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Dale Lichtblau <NoReply_Lichtblau@fer3.com>
    To: slk1000 <slk1000@aol.com>
    Sent: Thu, Sep 25, 2014 5:47 pm
    Subject: [NavList] I and C pages of the NA

    How are they calculated/generated? ...and why aren't the tables printed on tinted paper as stated in the explanations on page 255 of the 2014 commercial edition of the NA?
    I suppose I could eventually figure out the calculation/generation question, but I'm hoping for a quicker solution.
    Thanks, Dale
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