A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Antoine Couëtte
Date: 2025 Mar 6, 16:08 -0800
Some "fine-tuning" to clarify 2 different points of my very last post.
(1) - Original Version:
3.2.1 - ΔUTmp-c (in seconds of time) = (UT Meridian Passage - UT Culmination) s = 48/π * (tgφ - tgD) (μφ-μD) ’/h .
HINT ! Here the "48/π" coefficient applies only for the Sun seen from ... steady observers.
Corrected version: this "HINT" note needs to be amended as follows:
HINT ! Here the "48/π" coefficient applies only for bodies with relative hour angle motion exactly equal to 15°/hour, i.e. 15°/hour as seen from the moving observers. In practical situations, it applies to the Sun seen from observers with only North/South bottom speeds and no East/West bottom speeds, or to ... steady observers.
(2) - In order to remove a typo at its very end, Original version § 3.3.1 should read:
3.3.1 - kΔUTmp-c (in seconds of time) = (UT Meridian Passage - UT Culmination) in seconds of time = (15/μT)² * 48/π * (tgφ - tgD) (μφ - μD) ’/h.
Hoping it is helpful to you Robert,
Antoine M. "Kermit" Couëtte antoine.m.couette[at]club-internet.fr