A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Frank Reed
Date: 2017 Mar 2, 19:00 -0800
The article from the RIN (Royal Institute of Navigation) on the sinking of this vessel is really quite a piece of shit. I didn't think it worthy of any further comments until I noticed that this article is actually one of the top stories linked on the home page of the RIN. It seems they're going for a populist social media approach. The article is little more than a re-hash of the tabloid coverage, and its only reference is to the Daily Mail article!
But this is NavList, not the RIN, so let's do this right: here's the official accident board investigation page, and I am attaching the detailed report from the MAIB which, of course places little blame on "that darn iPad", finds considerable fault with the ro-ro ferry which ran over the small launch, and fills in many important details including the fact that the accident occurred in early morning twilight and that the owner faced an important deadline related to the sale of the vessel that day. It also does not make much of the absence of a compass, which is clearly an issue of low significance. Furthermore, the vessel had a functioning GPS receiver, and they were able to plot the position well enough on a paper chart (though they did not have actual plotting tools).
Frank Reed
PS: I am also including the small chart which I forgot to add to my last message.