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    Re: Comparison, Pan of Oil vs Mirror Artificial Horizon
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2015 Jun 22, 11:57 -0700

    Marty, you wrote:
    "Pan of Oil, 1.6 T, 2.4 T, 1.7 T, 2.2 T, 2.5 T, 2.8 T"

    I would say it's relatively likely that you have a systematic error, maybe under-estimated index correction (or IC applied backwards)? When the standard deviation of the sights is considerably smaller than the average error, that shows internal consistency. It can happen by chance, but it could easily reflect some systematic problem. What type of sextant do you use? How do you check index correction? 

    By the way, sorry to hear about the oil spill on the concrete! Sounds like you've "created a memory"... :/

    Frank Reed

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