Welcome to the NavList Message Boards.


A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding

March, 1998

Index includes 9 messages. Sorted reverse-alphabetically by author.

Your opinions wanted...plotters and moreRon Hiner16 Mar 1998, 22:26
Rhumb Line Calculations on an ellipsoidJohan Machtelinckx17 Mar 1998, 17:05
MICA applicationsJoe Shields31 Mar 1998, 04:45
USNO website for MICA, etc.Joe Shields18 Mar 1998, 15:16
Re: Celestial CourseJoe Shields17 Mar 1998, 22:27
Tamaya Jupiter SextantFrank Hampshire20 Mar 1998, 15:06
Silicon Sea Cruise: Leg 38Dan Hogan31 Mar 1998, 08:39
Re: Celestial CourseAdrian P. Vrouwenvelder18 Mar 1998, 13:18
Celestial CourseAaron Avellar16 Mar 1998, 07:57

Index includes 9 messages.


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