A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Two lists with a common topic
From: Ken Muldrew
Date: 2006 May 1, 10:56 -0600
From: Ken Muldrew
Date: 2006 May 1, 10:56 -0600
On 1 May 2006 at 14:55, George Huxtable wrote: > Frank tells us, about Navlist, " I don't think GH has signed up though > most everyone else has." I will wait a while longer yet, to see what > happens. It's interesting to note that, even though "most everyone" has > signed up, Nav-l remains as active as ever; perhaps more so than before. It > must be that many of those who are signed up to both are maintaining their > allegiance, and making their postings, to Nav-l. Perhaps, for those like me > who haven't shifted, some subscriber to both lists will appraise the > traffic on the new list, in terms of quantity and quality, as compared with > the present Nav-l. The new list is being put through trial runs; almost all the posts and discussion are of a casual nature where the full experience of the Nav-l list does not need to be engaged for assistance. The point is to get familiar with the technological differences between a classic mailing-list and the newer Google platform as well as to probe the new list for reliability and to see what features might make it easier to use. There is no attempt to match either the quantity or quality of traffic on Nav-l because all are hoping that the problems with Nav-l can be understood and solved. If the problems persist, however, then there might come a time when some participants begin to move their substantive posts to the new list as they lose confidence in the integrity of Nav-l. Allegiance and loyalty might be an issue when that comes to pass, but that time is not upon us yet. Ken Muldrew.